Peter & Arlene Paluch - Poland & Ukraine

Peter & Arlene Paluch

Poland & Ukraine

TRANSFORMATIONAL IMPACT: Peter and Arlen's dream is to reach Poland and Ukraine with the gospel by assisting various local churches in outreach, evangelism, and leadership training.

MINISTRY FOCUS: One out of three Ukrainian refugees in Europe have some understanding or full knowledge of what it means to follow Christ. Moreover, Poland is the second largest refugee destination in Europe. Because of this, Peter and Arlene want to organize communities of faith in both Ukraine and Poland while helping Ukrainians assimilate into the Polish culture.

Peter and Arlene are working with various Polish and Ukrainian local churches in several cities to help newcomers feel welcome. Serving alongside fellow global workers Greg and Lynne Swinamer, they have launched LIFE Centers that offer counselling, prayer, haircuts, cooking lessons, and cultural lectures to Ukraine refugees. And what’s more—these centres transition into churches on Sundays, and they have witnessed many come to faith in Jesus! They started a preschool for Ukrainian children while their single moms work each day. They also are assisting the local Ukrainian churches to train church planters.

As Canada-based global workers, Peter and Arlene travel to Europe 4-5 times a year, often with short-term mission teams. They connect with the local leaders and offer forms of assistance such as financial, moral, and spiritual support.

PARTNERSHIP: You will invest in caring for Ukrainian families, while helping more churches to be planted throughout Poland and Ukraine.

MINISTRY HISTORY: After pastoring in Kelowna, in 1983, Peter and Arlene went to Tanzania as global workers for 13 years. Upon their return in 1996, Peter graduated from Regent College with his Master’s in Christian Studies (Missions). In 2000, he began directing Immanuel School of Ministry in Moscow, Russia. In 2007, he was engaged in directing a church planting project in Crimea. They are now working in Poland and Ukraine with the 700 Miast church planting initiatives. Peter and Arlene have two sons (both born in Africa) and three grandchildren whom they love deeply. 

Prayer Focus
  • For God to empower recently launched refugee churches in Europe
  • For God to give them greater effectiveness in reaching the lost
  • For God to protect them especially as they travel